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Train custom models

To train your own custom model, you can choose a pretrained ML model as a based model, and finetuned it with your own data


GPU is required for training custom models. This feature is currently only available in the distributed version.

Task Description Model Name
Text Classification Use to assign label or class to text, labels such as sentiment or product category model.text_classification
Question Answering Use to find answers in a large amount of text model.question_answering
Recommender Use to recommend items to user base on collaborative filtering model.recommender
Summarization Use to summarize a large amount of text to a short description model.summarization
Text Generation Use to generate text from a preceding example model.text_generation
Translation Use for translating one language to another, for example English to French model.translation

Text Classification

Text classification can be use to generate labels from text. For example, let's say you want to train your own custom model to determine the generes of movies, you run the following query to train a model using specific training data from table movie and using the base model text_classification for fine tuning.

To prepare the training dataset, we can run the following query to get the the text and labels

SELECT movie.overview as text, movie.genre as labels FROM as movie

text labels
Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency. Drama
An organized crime dynasty's aging patriarch transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son. Crime, Drama
When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman must accept one of the greatest psychological and physical tests of his ability to fight injustice. Action, Crime, Drama

To train a custom model, we can run the following query

CREATE MODEL model.my_movie_classification_model
FROM (SELECT movie.overview as text, movie.genre as labels FROM as training_data
WHERE MODEL_NAME = 'text_classification'

model_id model_name model_type training_data status
my_model_id movie_genre_classification_model text_classification SELECT movie.overview as text, movie.genre as labels FROM initializing


Recommender can be use to predict items that a user will be interested in base on other users with similar interests. For example, let's say we want recommend movies to our users. We can use a database table of movie rating to trained our custom model. To get this sample data, import it from movie rating dataset.

user_id movie_id rating
1 31 2.5
1 1029 3

To prepare a training dataset with only the column name user_id and item_id for the model. Movies are rated from 1-5, and since we only need positive rating in our training data, we can run the following query to create the training data for positive reviews higher than 3. To preview the training data we can run the following query

SELECT user_id as user_id, movie_id as item_id FROM mldb.movie_rating WHERE mldb.movie_rating.rating > 3

user_id item_id
1 1172
1 1339

We can then run the following query to train a model under the name my_movie_recommender_model using our training_data. To indicate that this training is for a recommender model, we will need to pass in the condition MODEL_NAME = 'recommender'

CREATE MODEL model.my_movie_recommender_model
FROM (SELECT user_id as user_id, movie_id as item_id FROM mldb.movie_rating WHERE mldb.movie_rating.rating > 3) as training_data
WHERE MODEL_NAME = 'recommender'

model_id model_name model_type training_data status
my_model_id my_movie_recommender_model recommender SELECT user_id as user_id, movie_id as item_id FROM mldb.movie_rating WHERE mldb.movie_rating.rating > 3 initializing

The result set will provide the model_id for our custom model. To make predictions for this model, continue at predict recommender model.


Summarization can be use to summarize a large amount of text to a short description . For example, let's say you want to train a custom model to summarize the movie description to a few lines, you run the following query to train a model using specific training data from table movie and using the base model summarization for fine tuning.

SELECT movie.overview as summary, movie.description as source FROM
summary source
Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency. ......
An organized crime dynasty's aging patriarch transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son. ......

To train a custom model, we can run the following query

CREATE MODEL model.my_movie_summarization_model
FROM (SELECT movie.overview as summary, movie.description as source FROM as training_data
WHERE MODEL_NAME = 'summarization'

model_id model_name model_type training_data status
my_model_id my_movie_summarization_model summarization SELECT movie.overview as summary, movie.details as source FROM initializing


Translation model can be use to translate text from one language to another. For example, let's say you want to train a custom model to do french translation for caption in your movies, you run the following query to train a model using specific training data from table movie_captions and using the base model translation for fine tuning.

To get the training data, we can run the following query

SELECT captions.orignal as source, captions.french as target FROM mldb.movie_captions as captions where language = 'french'

source target
Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency. Deux hommes emprisonnés se lient pendant plusieurs années, trouvant un réconfort et une éventuelle rédemption grâce à des actes de décence commune.
An organized crime dynasty's aging patriarch transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son. Le patriarche vieillissant d'une dynastie du crime organisé transfère le contrôle de son empire clandestin à son fils réticent.

To train a custom model, we can run the following query

CREATE MODEL model.movie_french_translation_model
FROM (SELECT captions.orignal as source, captions.french as target FROM mldb.movie_captions as captions where language = 'french') as training_data
WHERE MODEL_NAME = 'translation'

model_id model_name model_type training_data status
my_model_id my_movie_translation_model translation SELECT captions.orignal as source, captions.french as target FROM mldb.movie_captions as captions where language = 'french' initializing