Manage Report
Build a Report
Besides real-time file analysis, Superinsight allows you to select multiple files and generate a complex report that helps you significantly reduce time you spend on reading tons of paper and get your claim way more efficiently.
Simply click on the "Build Report" button on the left, choose the way you want to build, and select all the files you want to be included in reports that Superinsight supports. Before you submit to generate, make sure your file list is correct!
Before you build the report, you can either choose the build-in options that Superinsight made for you or use your own prompts to generate the specific reports.
Now we offer 4 types of report, including:
- Personal Injury
- Social Security Disability
- Veteran Disability
- Mass Tort (Build-in only)
Feel free to contact us if you need any other reports we're not supporting yet. We'd love to discuss that!
If you need a sample report, please click HERE
Each report costs 1-5 credits, based on required resources. If you need extra credits, contact us to purchase 6 credits for $250 or 18 credits for $500.
If you choose Build My Own Report, each report type offers three templates that you can freely edit and customize with your own prompts based on your habits or scenarios.
If you choose Select From Build-in Options, then you can select types of report by practice areas.
Reveal various medical procedures and provides corresponding ICD codes.
Summary key points of claimant information according to objective analysis provided by physicians. Such as severe impairments, imaging results, medication, medical chronology, etc.
CFile report covers all the information you need while helping veterans, including deep analysis of Rating Decisions, Service Treatment Records, Post Service Medical Records and more.
Uncover medical conditions that are related to Camp Lejeune & Water Contamination.
Select files you want to include in the report. And of course, you can filter certain labels to find the files you need more efficiently.
Confirm all your selections before you submit to build.
After files are submitted, you will see the unclickable report in the "Reports" tab building behind the scenes. Once it is complete, it will turn black with the download icon, then you can download and check your reports anytime you want.
Download Reports
You can download your report in PDF, DOCX, or CSV format depending on the type of report you built.
In PDF format, Superinsight will combine the report and the original files so that you can easily find the critical evidence after you click on the table of contents we provided, and we will add the bookmarks for you as well.
In CSV format, Superinsight lists all the impairment issues row by row so you can easily find them and link with the source documents.
Delete Reports
In the "Report Tab", you can see all the reports are listed here and every report has a "Delete Report" button.
You can easily delete any report by clicking the button and confirm.